
Mastering Your Mind for Ultimate Success: 3 Modalities that Changed my Life

Angela Christian Season 3 Episode 114

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Unlock the secrets to transforming your life by tuning into our latest episode, where I share powerful insights and techniques that reshaped my journey from corporate America to becoming a thriving entrepreneur.

Discover how hypnosis, visualization, and nervous system regulation can help you reprogram your unconscious mind, overcome self-sabotage, and align your actions with your highest goals.

As we navigate through these transformative techniques, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems can lead to a calmer, more intuitive life. I offer heartfelt stories of energy work and intuitive guidance, demonstrating the critical role intuition plays in decision-making and self-improvement.

The way I've combined these modalities in my programs is very unique, which is why my clients are always shocked with how quickly they've been able to heal.  (Note: my programs are NOT for everyone...only for people who are truly ready to take radical responsiblity for their lives.)

Next week: stay tuned for a clip on the Magnetism series I'll be doing inside my membership.  Or join the membership to get ALL the audios. Join here.

If you purchase the annual subscription, you'll get a discount AND free access to a new program I'm currently creating (The Break-out Blueprint). 

I learned scientifically precise intuition from both Allie & Alessandro.  

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Unveiled the podcast. I'm your host, angela Christian, and I help you with unveiling your true self by peeling away the layers that society placed on you. I do this with a combination of neuroscience, energetics and ancient spiritual wisdom. I went from underpaid and overworked in corporate America to launching a six-figure company that continues to grow. I went from toxic relationships to being happy and single for over a year as I worked and continue to work on becoming the best version of myself, and so much more. My greatest passion is to help women and mothers heal, transform and become the highest versions of themselves. Heal, transform and become the highest versions of themselves. As I continue to grow and expand my intuitive knowledge and unique wisdom, I'll be including you on my journey to millions, so let's get into it.

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello, welcome back to Unveiled. So this week I'm going to talk to you about certain techniques and modalities that I talk about on here and that I use in my programs. Next week, just to give you a quick teaser, next week I'm actually going to share a clip of an audio from my membership. So right now, in October, we are focusing on magnetism and I am taking it all the way to the beginning, like how our school systems were chosen. I bet a lot of you I mean you can Google it. Actually, it's not even available on certain sites. Like I had to dig deep for this information. The way that our school systems, our education systems, were chosen specifically for us to conform, it's crazy. So I was originally going to include the clip in this week's podcast, but I'm trying to keep my episodes like 20 minutes-ish, because that's really all that the brain can handle. Like we have such shorter attention spans these days and I don't know about you, but if someone has like a three-hour workshop, like I just can't. Like I have to take it in like 20, 30 minute chunks, and that's the reality of our life these days with the smartphone and all of that stuff. So, anyway, I had so much I wanted to share today that I'm just not going to be able to do both. So today it actually makes more sense to do it this way, anyway. So thank you, higher Self.

Speaker 2:

I am going to talk about the techniques that I use in my membership and all of my programs, and then next week you'll get to see a sneak peek of the first audio on magnetism. Because one of my members asked hey, can we do a talk? Can we, in one of these months, can we focus on magnetism? Because I always have a specific topic and I love getting ideas from my members. That's actually one of my favorite ways to create is when they say like hey, I'm dealing with this, can you help. I love it. So if you're not my membership, jump in and share your topics of where you're struggling and like that is my favorite thing to do is to just help you. So I originally was just going to do one. In the past I've done like one 45 minute audio on a specific topic. Lately I've been adding in smaller audios throughout the month, which I've loved. But for magnetism, like, oh my god, this is a huge topic, huge topic and like I'm really going to be diving deep into this. So you'll see, next week I'll share the first audio. So they'll probably be like, I would guess, three. I haven't even lined them all up yet, but I'm just intuitively testing. They'll probably be three audios on magnetism and then maybe even like an audio meditation on like helping you reprogram your mind around being magnetic. So, yes, a little teaser for next week.

Speaker 2:

So inside all of my programs I use three specific tools and I just want to share those because they're also mentioned a lot in the coaching world and I don't know that everybody even understands what they are. I know I didn't when I first started hearing these tools and modalities and my personal goal is to reach everybody, not just people who have who understand what these are, but like people who have never heard these terms before. I want to help them too, right, so I really want to break it down for you guys here. So the three tools that I use are unconscious reprogramming nervous system and then what I would call like energetics, ancient wisdom, intuition. That'd be kind of like the final bucket. So I use all three and I blend them together, but now I'm going to break down what each of them are and why they have helped me so much and why they've helped my clients and how they can help you.

Speaker 2:

So when I say unconscious reprogramming, it can also be subconscious reprogramming. Those two terms I use them interchangeably. I know there's other people who would argue that they're not the same, but I'm not saying everything I say on here is right. I'm saying it's useful for me and it's been useful for my clients, so you can decide what's useful for you. I use them interchangeably. So I have put in years of training and understanding and experience of what unconscious reprogramming is, even before I knew what that term was.

Speaker 2:

I've always been obsessed with neuroscience and like changing the brain and all of that. And unconscious reprogramming is how I've been able to clear the fear of public speaking, of releasing childhood programming, of healing my trauma, which also nervous system regulation and energetics had a huge piece in that too. But all three of these combined have been like a powerhouse for me, like literally. If you know my story, you know that I was severely abused physically. I can see that abuser and like give him a hug in the store doesn't bother me at all. So like that's that just shows like it's possible to neutralize.

Speaker 2:

And I'm all about radical responsibility in the reality we create, not at all saying that it's okay what happened. But now that I know the energetics behind it as well, I'm like, okay, I get it. So that's a whole different topic, we'll get into that, but okay, so from a scientific perspective and just like in very simple terms, unconscious reprogramming is changing the automatic, deeply ingrained beliefs, habits and thought patterns that exist in our unconscious mind. So why is this important? You might already know this, but because our subconscious governs about like 95% of our behavior and much of what we do is driven by it, and that includes our actions, our emotions, our reactions, etc. And all of this controls our creator field, which is more in the energetic piece. But our creator field literally creates all matter, circumstance and reality for us. It also hands people scripts telling them how to treat us. So that's kind of what I was alluding to is that, like Alessandro is one of my mentors, teachers, and he always says, like we are each in our own Truman show, and I love this because it actually made me feel so relieved knowing I have the power not just to change and control myself, but to actually control how others treat me. That was huge, and so for years I was beating myself up, beating myself up, beating myself up. And then I would get into relationships and I had more than one like physically abusive relationship because I was beating myself up. That's literally the script I was handing to people. Beat me up because whatever we do to ourself, we are putting into our creator field that that's how we want other people to treat us as well. And so this has been huge because I've been playing around with this and I've been reprogramming certain statements in my creator field and I see how people respond to that, how they say literally what I've been programming into my creator field. I mean it's life changing. I wish I had learned this a lot sooner. But you know what? We're all everything in divine timing.

Speaker 2:

So a lot of coaches use affirmations, but by themselves affirmations do not work. They just don't Like I tried them for years. I would look at myself in the mirror and say say like I'm a millionaire when I literally had like a hundred dollars in my bank account. And so your subconscious, unconscious mind is saying no, you're not. Like. Cancels each other out Doesn't work. But what's different in the way that I do this is I do the subconscious programming for you. By replacing, I eliminate your limiting beliefs and your negative thought patterns and then I replace them with ones that are aligned for you. So that's one piece of it.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, affirmations alone do not work, but when you use them with a specific way to reprogram your neural pathways, they do work wonderfully. So there's a big difference between just looking at yourself in the mirror saying an affirmation you know, and usually like I would feel worse because I'd be sitting there looking at myself saying I'm a millionaire, I'm a millionaire, and it's like no, I'm not. And then I'd walk away feeling like crap, right. So one of the tools that I use is what Allie Ninfo taught me she was the first person to teach me this and I love it is you find a reprogramming statement and then you prove to yourself every day how it's true, because the brain loves proof, because the brain loves proof. So, for example, in my magnetic topic this month, we're going to choose a reprogramming statement and then we're going to prove to our brains every day that it's true, even just one thing a day. And so I have a lot of examples the personal examples I'll share in there, because I've had a lot of interesting things happen over the last week. Playing around with all of these magnetic reprogramming statements.

Speaker 2:

So I also use a specific form of hypnosis in my audios and you might not even realize it's hypnosis, because I was trained with a very unique method that you would almost call like conversational hypnosis, and I'm oftentimes I'm bringing you in and out, which is called fractionation, and fractionation is a technique where you're brought in and out of a hypnotic state, but it's really just like you don't even know that it's happening. Fractionation is really just like transitioning between wake and trance states, but I don't take people into like deep, deep trance states in my audios. It's light and so, but each time you come in and out your brain goes deeper into a calm hypnotic state. So this allows me to get in and reprogram, which might sound a little scary to someone who's never had hypnosis. It's not scary, like I can't reprogram anything in your mind that you would reject, so don't worry about that, and that's why it has such a profound effect and a lasting effect.

Speaker 2:

I mean this has literally helped me with everything, including like one time I asked for my mentor to do it on drinking alcohol. I just didn't want to really even think about it anymore. It's not something I was doing very often, but afterwards, like I don't even consider myself a drinker. Like I might have a glass of wine once a month or something, but before that, like I used to have a glass of wine every night at dinner, like I would. If someone asked, are you a drinker, I would say yes, you know that's not me anymore. Completely changed who I am for the better, though right. So you can do this with all types of circumstances.

Speaker 2:

So I use that kind of hypnosis which doesn't even feel like hypnosis. Sometimes I'll have you close your eyes for a little longer, but it's rarely ever longer than like a few minutes. I personally just don't love long. Like I've gone to all the different types of hypnosis. I don't love keeping my eyes closed for like an hour or 45 minutes. It's just to me. My mind starts to wander, I can't relax. So I like to do this in the most efficient way. I am the efficiency queen Just ask my CFO clients. So all right.

Speaker 2:

And then I also use visualization, as it's such a powerful tool, especially when you can emotionally connect. I do this every single night when I'm going to bed and athletes do this to win the Olympics, like they. If you look it up, you'll find that, like, visualization is a top tool of theirs. So by reprogramming our unconscious we can overcome like self-sabotage, not feeling worthy, I can shift your emotional responses and we can adopt more productive behaviors to align with our conscious goals, right? And then a cool thing that I add in with intuition is like I can actually look in and see if you have a goal like, let's say, your goal is to be famous or famous actor or something I can look in and see what percentage of that is actually like your human self wanting that versus your higher self, because your higher self might just want to help a lot of people. So your human self is thinking, oh, I need to be famous to be able to do that. So it's kind of having the same goal, but it's a lot of, it's a lot different of a path, right? So that's where, like, intuition and being able to read people's creator fields comes in super, super helpful and so unconscious reprogramming just helps so much with mindset transformation, personal growth, healing from past trauma.

Speaker 2:

Okay, getting on to the second tool. See, this is why I couldn't include the other audio, because I just end up talking a lot. So, nervous system regulation this is another phrase I feel like a lot of coaches are saying, and I feel like a lot of people don't really understand what it is. So I'm just going to break it down for you in the way that I use it, how I use it in my program. So what I do is I help you balance and stabilize the autonomic nervous system, and that is what governs our body's stress response, relaxation, etc. The autonomic nervous system consists of two main branches. Let's say the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for fight or flight, and then the parasympathetic nervous system parasympathetic nervous system, which is what promotes our rest and digest function.

Speaker 2:

The majority of people are walking around with a dysregulated nervous system. So was I for most of my life, and so in all of my programs what I've done is there's like I think it's like four audios that are called phase one, and what I do is I go through this in depth in there, and I'm not just explaining it to you, I'm actually rewiring your unconscious while I'm speaking to you, and so it's you're learning and you're getting rewired immediately because I do that, so then you can go to the other audios and heal on an even deeper level, and to do this I really need your nervous systems regulated to get the most out of it. So, like in my Clean BDE program, my Clean Baby Daddy Energy program, moms are coming in there with dysregulated nervous systems. If I just go straight to talking and trying to heal them from a logical standpoint, that's not going to get the job done. So what they do is they go through the phase one where I start explaining how our mind and emotions work in a way that a lot of people haven't heard before. But I'm not just doing that, I'm also getting them out of fight or flight as I explain. And so then, once the phase one is done, then they can go into the healing part of the program and they'll heal at a deeper level because their body will allow it.

Speaker 2:

Because if you're in fight or flight, your body cares more about saving itself than doing the rest and the digest. That's why so many people have chronic gut issues, chronic stress all of that because they're stuck in fight or flight. They have dysregulated nervous systems. So that's why I created this phase one for people to start feeling different immediately. So our nervous system can also get dysregulated from trauma, which I experienced for most of my life, emotional challenges like a lot of overwhelm or anxiety, and so my full goal in my programs is to really help you balance your sympathetic and your parasympathetic systems, which keeps you calmer and helps you respond to stress from a grounded space. So why is this important? Besides, like the amazing health benefits, all of that? Well, let me ask you do you want to go through life making dumb decisions or smart ones?

Speaker 2:

Not to sound rude, but when we are walking around in fight or flight, like I did for most of my life, we aren't able to access intuition, higher levels of wisdom, humor, like I used humor all the time in healing situations for myself. Like right now I'm dealing with this woman who I pay to do work for me and she has such a bad attitude and the old me would have been like responding on her level, you know, defensive and all of that. But like I was just laughing yesterday, it was annoying but I was like, oh my gosh, and then I felt bad for her. I'm like this poor girl. She's probably like dealing with so much stress in her life that, like, all she knows is fight or flight, even though I wasn't coming at her in any type of like aggressive way, I was just asking her to do a task and she felt the need to like respond in a very defensive way. So I use humor.

Speaker 2:

I'm able to like be more empathetic. Not that empathy is tricky because, like, I don't want to feel so much of what they're feeling where it messes with my ability to help them, right. So I understand what they're going through from my perspective. Obviously, we never totally understand what someone else is going through unless we're like them, right, I can understand what they're going through, but I also have to be neutral to give my best to them, right?

Speaker 2:

So another reason why nervous system regulation is so important is like, when we become emotional so, let's say, on a scale of one to one hundred, one hundred is like earthquake, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcano blowing, all of that when we're at like anywhere above 20%, the blood flow to the critical thinking logic area of our brain actually shuts off and it diverts to fight or flight. So that's not good, because when we're in fight or flight just think of, you know and I give a lot of metaphors like this in my programs just think of like a bunny running through the forest. It's stopping to eat some carrots and then all of a sudden it sees a fox right, it is just going to run. It's fight or flight kicks in, it's running. It's not seeing the carrots along the way, it's not taking time to rest or digest, it's literally just running for its life. So that's kind of how most people are every day, because we get email notifications going off on our phones, we get text messages going off, we get all of these external noises that you know our ancestors didn't have and we haven't changed all that much since the caveman days. I mean, can you imagine our caveman ancestors like waking up and seeing the TV and like our refrigerator and all of these things, the laundry chiming, the phone ringing, the alarm system going off, like we have so much external noise.

Speaker 2:

Everybody needs nervous system regulation. I feel like right now, probably like over 90% of the world needs their nervous system regulated, and so I get more science-y in my programs. I kind of explain what's happening, in case that interests you. If it doesn't, it's still good to just understand because, honestly, we weren't taught how emotions affect us, much less how to deal with trauma. So this is a huge part of what I do I educate you to help yourself and then you can help your loved ones as well, the biggest piece here is just like we make such better decisions when we aren't in fight or flight, we would not have so much violence in the world right now, we wouldn't have so much divide in the world right now, if people had regulated nervous systems. Because, like it's crazy to me how, even from a political standpoint, like people just attack each other. It's like what happened to just like conversations right, like intelligent conversations. Well, you can't have intelligent conversations when your nervous system is dysregulated, because you were in fight or flight and you were dumber that was me for a long time, but it's just the truth.

Speaker 2:

So the last part of my tools, techniques, is the energetics, intuition, ancient wisdom, all of that. And so, as many of you know and if you don't, if you're new here, then you might not know but as many of you know, I've been studying energetics, ancient wisdom, energy work since I almost died back in 2015. I almost died from black mold poisoning. I was very close and so I started with mysticism. I share all of this in my various programs, but, like I started with mysticism, then I moved to like foundational spiritual development, energy work, reading, energy, shamanism, and then for the last year, I've really been dialing in my 100% accurate scientific intuition and anyone can do this.

Speaker 2:

I mean, when you break it down, like intuition is really reading light, and we do this all the time in the scientific and medical world. And we do this all the time in the scientific and medical world and you do this every day. I mean, just think like have you ever met someone and you just had like you were just like ugh, ew, like I don't like this person. Or you could read their mood, like someone walks in and you can just tell they're in a horrible mood without them saying a word. So you are reading something you aren't seeing. You are reading their energy, reading their light, even if you don't know exactly how you're doing it. You're doing it, we do it all the time and I honestly I cannot wait for the day where our schools will teach kids intuition, because it is so key.

Speaker 2:

It has changed my life. I use it every day, from like what to eat, what to invest in, what to watch. I've learned how to use it where I can ask myself you know, if I go get a mani pedi today, is that going to open up a source of? Is that going to open up an increase in my income this week. No, okay, I won't do that now. Like literally asking myself so many questions to figure out the shortcut because we don't have to do the long roundabout way to our goals.

Speaker 2:

Like, I am someone who always wanted just like tell me the steps and I'll do the steps right. And so I was going to all these different mentors years ago when I first started in the online space and they were giving me the steps. But, like some people, it was their sole purpose to have that path and that's why that path worked for them. So it won't necessarily work for everybody, right, right, and so you need to find what is your path. And if you go and you try all these different mentors, paths and programs and they're not working for you, you might be an older soul. So there's a lot of coaches and teachers out there right now who are newer souls. About 86% of the world are newer souls, so that's a very small percentage of older souls. Well, if you're an older soul, using newer soul techniques is not going to help you. Older souls are here to create and to lead in ways that haven't been even created yet, and so I also do this for my friends and people in the programs.

Speaker 2:

But my friend came to me a couple of weeks ago and she wanted to invest $3,000 in this woman's program. It's like a health program. I had never even heard of the woman before. So I told her, like let me look into this intuitively for you. Don't tell me any more information, because, like, the less information I know the better, because then I know I'm not emotionally manipulating the answer Because that's another thing is, if your emotions are high, your nervous system's dysregulated. Your intuition is not working like at the levels it should. If your emotions are like 16, 20 percent or higher, your intuition is going to be affected. You're not going to be getting the higher self-channeled answers that you're wanting. So that's another reason why nervous system regulation and emotional mastery I think that's probably something I left out here. Look, emotional mastery is part of nervous system regulation.

Speaker 2:

So anyway, getting back to this, I told my friends, let me check into this for you. So what I found was I asked a lot of questions. When I'm looking in intuitively for something like something so simple, you would think it would just be a yes or no question. But it's not. You have to really ask from all these different perspectives and like what the goal is right. So I asked probably like 10 questions and what I came up with was the source truth of the program, meaning like everything has a certain percentage of source truth. If source God or universe, whatever you call it, was here and telling us how it is, that would be 100% source truth right, because it's coming from source. So when I looked in, I saw the program was 40% source truth, which is like an F if we're looking at, you know, the grading system.

Speaker 2:

And her higher self did not want her to invest $3,000 into that program and I actually asked her higher self what should she invest it in instead to get to her goal? And it gave me two steps for her and they're it's nothing like related to me. I have nothing to gain from telling her this. It's like it's not, like it's an affiliate program of mine or something. And once I told her she was like oh my god, that's what I like, that's what I had a feeling about that I should do, but I just needed the confirmation. So that's what I love about this type of intuition is it's very scientific, very dialed in.

Speaker 2:

I'm using several different forms of intuition when I'm checking for answers. So it's not just like I'm not just relying on one form of intuition which might be like a feeling right, I use sight, I use color, I use feeling, I use visuals, I use all these different forms to get my answer. And you know all gifts. Even someone who's intuitively gifted, like I, do have a natural gift for intuition. Everyone has the ability to be intuitive, but gifts need training as well. I mean, just look at athletes like Michael Jordan. That's all I can think of. I'm not like an athletic person, I'm not a sports person. So I'm sure you know, if you're an athletic person, just look at athletes like they need a ton of training. They don't just go out there and say, oh, I'm a gifted basketball player, I don't need training. I'm so glad I got this training because my intuition was like, before all of the training I've invested in, it was probably right, like you know, 60% of the time, but that wasn't good enough for me. I want my intuition to be right 100% of the time.

Speaker 2:

And if you're new to all of this, like intuition is really just reading light, new to all of this, intuition is really just reading light, like I said, and energy work, like healing, is just moving light into cells. Light carries information and I'm reading that information. So we all have physical bodies, but then we also have energetic bodies as well. So by training your intuition, you can read your light body, read other people's light bodies. It's really cool.

Speaker 2:

I don't teach intuition. I've learned it from Alain Info and Alessandro Giannetti, who's the founder of Guided Light Healing. So if you're looking for an intuition class, like, go to one of them and I'll link them in the show notes. But I just love it. That's why I'm talking about it. So, but what I do is I use what I've learned in my program. So I combine and I do that with, like. I'll channel meditations that I know will help people. I'll use it to like.

Speaker 2:

I have a spreadsheet in my membership where you can list you know a question and I'll tap in and get answers for you. I also teach energy healings in my programs, like ones you listen to learn. You can do it on yourself, you can do it on your kids. There is a little nuance to that, but I explain it in the program and that has been a daily essential for me and my kids. Like, every day, we our kids are walking around collecting energy. That's not ours. We are catching other people's emotions and thoughts, contagions that aren't ours, and just like we brush our teeth every day or take a shower, like, we should also be clearing our energy and protecting it, and this is what I mean by like energetic. So that was a lot of information I've been talking for like a while now.

Speaker 2:

I will stop there, but next week expect the first audio clip on magnetism from my membership.

Speaker 2:

Or, if you don't want to wait, you can just hop into the membership and you'll get all of the audios. So I will share that link below. And anyone who signs up for a year gets a discount but also gets access to a course I'm creating right now called the Breakout Blueprint, which is all about like helping you break free from your corporate job or even from just like whatever kind of job you have that you don't like. So it's the exact steps I used and it's a lot of reprogramming, but it's also actually like practical steps and then strategy as well, because everything is both physical and energetic. You have to have both. So that program I'm in the process of creating, so that's why I'm offering it for free for anyone who joins the annual membership, or you can purchase it at the pre-sale price right now, which is only like $2.99,. I think I definitely need to raise that, but for right now it's $2.99, I believe I'll link that in the show notes as well. So thank you so much for listening and I hope you have a beautiful week.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to Unveiled. I always love hearing your takeaways, so please connect with me on Instagram that Angela, Marie, Christian and feel free to tag me when you share it with your friends. Every single review matters and it helps me reach more people who want to improve this world. If you leave a review, let me know and I'll send you a little thank you gift. Any resources mentioned in the show will be linked in the show notes. Sending you all love.