Soul Lessons from Everyday Struggles

Angela Christian Season 2 Episode 107

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What if facing obstacles is the key to spiritual growth? It is. ;-)

Fear & obstacles are NOT bad.  You cannot mastery something without experiencing obstacles. 

Take a closer look at how our actions toward ourselves reflect on our interactions with others. This episode delves into the interconnectedness of life's challenges, emphasizing the importance of nurturing oneself to improve our relationships. Discover how personal experiences serve as valuable lessons, offering opportunities for growth and self-awareness. By examining our actions and attitudes, we can better understand and improve our interactions with others, turning obstacles into stepping stones for spiritual expansion.

Finally, we explore the concept of perceived failures as opportunities for soul growth. Learn how obstacles are course corrections on our soul path, guiding us towards our highest good. I share insights on managing emotions, enhancing intuition, and supporting the body's healing processes through nervous system regulation and energetics. Amidst tumultuous times, find strength and calm as we shift from a victimhood mentality to one of radical responsibility, raising the frequency of our world.

I had this episode planned a week ago, but then listened to Alessandro's episode yesterday here which is a perfect compliment as he says similar things and goes even deeper.  Highly recommend his entire podcast!

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the show. Today we are going to talk about obstacles and how obstacles and failures aren't actually a negative thing, especially if you are an older soul. It's funny because I had the idea to record this podcast two weeks ago when I had a lot of obstacles idea to record this podcast two weeks ago when I had a lot of obstacles happening and then I listened to a podcast by Alessandro on elevated consciousness yesterday and actually listened to it again today. That was like exactly what I was going to talk about not exactly, but very similar and so it was a nice confirmation. Like, yes, I should record this podcast for you guys, obviously, but I am going to link his podcast episode in the show notes because it is so powerful. I listened to it and, even though I knew a lot of it, it's just always nice to have confirmation, especially when you were experiencing obstacles or frustration.

Speaker 1:

So before I even get started, I want to begin with some appreciation, because it is not easy when you are on this high conscious soul expansion path. It can feel lonely and isolating at times. Family, who has any desire, at this time at least, to join me on this path? Right? Friends that I've had for a long time. I mean, I don't really have any friends that I see in person anymore, but I do have friends all over the world who are on the same page with me, who are growing with me, who I can, you know, chat with about this stuff. And so I want to give a shout out to my friends, first to my friend Mia, who is such an amazing intuitive and she really helped me figure out.

Speaker 1:

It might sound like a silly question, but I was trying to figure out which hotel to stay at when taking my daughter to college this week, and I had booked a Hyatt hotel, which was usually pretty, you know, basic, like a safe choice, but I just kept feeling like I had this nagging feeling like I shouldn't stay there. And so I started looking at other hotels in the area and there were two other ones. One was a little nicer than the Hyatt, around the same price point but a little nicer, and then there was this really nice one on the water where a lot of Kylo's friends' parents are going to be staying, but it was quite a bit more expensive. So my human self wanted to stay at the lake house resort, but I was like, okay, I'm feeling like a little emotional and like I can't make this decision from a place of neutrality and I just wanted to have an outsider's perspective. So I asked Mia and I didn't tell her the names of the hotels, I just said Hotel 1, hotel 2, hotel 3.

Speaker 1:

And then this is what we can do with intuition. That's so cool, and she did a whole reading for me, figuring out which hotel would help me get the most sleep. Because my number one goal and this is really important with intuition that I've never been taught in all my other intuition trainings like how to be so specific with your questions and not just specific but define right. So like, if you're asking, is this in my highest good? You need to define what highest good is. So for me, the most important thing was one that it was mold free, because, as I'll be sharing shortly, dealing with black mold again mold free that I would get really good sleep, so that I could be creative, so that I could work while I'm there, right. So with all of these questions that she looked into for me, she was able to figure out that Hotel 2. So one of the other questions I asked her is like will this open opportunities for me staying at this hotel, like that wasn't my main focus. If opportunities happen, great. But we just kind of threw that one in there.

Speaker 1:

So Hotel 2 ended up being. I would be happy with my choice, I would not have sleeping issues. And then what's funny enough is the Hyatt reviews actually showed like leaky roof and dirty and there was all these horrible reviews, whereas the other hotel, the hotel number two, had great reviews, right. So she ended up confirming what I was already like leaning towards. But my human self really wanted the hotel on the water and I was like well, all of her friends' parents are staying there. I could get up in the morning and go on a walk by the water. But for me, what would be the best choice would be where I'm going to get the best sleep and where I can be creative and work.

Speaker 1:

Because, as you'll hear, with some of the obstacles recently I have not been sleeping like okay. So we'll just get into the obstacles now, but first that was my shout out to Mia, my friend. Thank you, mia, if you're listening. My other shout out is to my friend, lucy. We just have like the best chats and she's so sweet and she's always saying just like the sweetest things and thanking me. She's so like grateful. She's such a high frequency person and I'm really grateful for her that we're able to chat about all of this stuff. And then I've made a recent friend, ashley, who we're on this intuition path together too, and it's just so nice to be able to have people in your circle, whatever your interest is, that you can talk to about these things right, because especially when you're trying to expand spiritually, it can feel really isolating and it's, in my opinion, not a good idea to try to force it on people. I've definitely tried that and they have their own soul contract. If they're meant to learn this stuff, they will, but forcing it will never like this stuff they will, but forcing it will never like work out well. So let's get into it.

Speaker 1:

In the last week or two weeks, I should say, I had COVID. My son had been bit by a tick and on in his head, so it was like covered by his hair. I pulled the tick out and I watched it and it did develop like a red circle around it. So he's being treated right now with antibiotics and like some other formulas to make sure he doesn't get Lyme disease. Thank God I caught it early. The doctor was like good job catching it early. He doesn't have any symptoms or anything, so but it was scary because my oldest daughter had contracted Lyme disease when she was seven and I didn't catch it until she actually had like Bell's palsy, which is where half of their face becomes paralyzed. Luckily that reversed, but it was terrifying as a you know single mom far away from family and it was just kind of like oh gosh, like why does this keep happening? And actually in Alessandro's membership I had asked this question. I haven't been able to watch the recording yet to see what he says, but what I'll share from what I know is that when children are seven or younger it's often a reflection of the parent. So I'm really interested to see what he says about that and I will report back and if that's something that interests you, dm me and I'll share as well.

Speaker 1:

So I had COVID going on Lyme disease and then my son. He used to be the best sleeper, like he would sleep from 7 30 to 7 30. He has been waking up multiple times a night, wanting me to be in his room on this other spare bed that's in his room. My sleep has been interrupted so much, which I know is a reflection of myself not nurturing myself. And then that gets placed into my creator field, which I think I've talked about on here, and that's basically like a script for everybody else to treat me the way that I'm treating myself. So if you listen to Alessandro's podcast, he talks about eight areas of life and that's basically like a script for everybody else to treat me the way that I'm treating myself. So if you listen to Alessandro's podcast, he talks about eight areas of life and when we are doing something in one area of life, it will show up as a reflection in an area that we really care about. So I really care about my sleep. Like I am a totally different person when I get a full night's sleep versus when I don't. So I have not had a full night's sleep in three weeks at this point.

Speaker 1:

But the point of this episode isn't to complain about any of this. It's to actually say these are just simply course corrections. I don't look at these as failures, I just want to get some sleep. But then what's helpful for me and take this if it's helpful for you is because this whole idea of reflections is somewhat new to me what what's helpful for me to remember is like I'll tell myself and this isn't coming from like a selfish perspective, it just helps me remember like this is my world and everybody is a reflection of me. So it almost like takes any kind of chance that I'll take things personally out of the picture. So, like my son waking me up multiple times, I'm not frustrated with him. That's a reflection of me. A family member criticizing me I know that that is a reflection of me. A family member criticizing me I know that that is a reflection of me criticizing myself in one of these eight areas of life.

Speaker 1:

So, as I've been learning, I'm still learning this. I have a lot more to learn about it and if you want to learn about it, I highly recommend going to guidedlighthealingcom and joining Alessandro's membership, because there's a whole reflections training in there that's really helpful to get started with. Or you can listen to his podcast. His membership's only 50 a month and you get a live call once a month with him or you could submit questions. So anyway, I just like to share as I'm learning with you guys, because I find it super helpful when I'm like listening to andrea, my mentor, when she's sharing the things that she's learning, like I love that, so I hope this is helpful for you.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, I'm looking at all of these things as just reflections, like, okay, that person's being this way to me, how am I being that way to myself in one of the areas of life? And one of them is physical, and I know that I have not been working out taking care of myself in that aspect. So a lot of these reflections have been that. Another one is I'm not nourishing myself. I'm not doing things for fun. Things have been very serious because I've been in like study mode, healing mode, mother mode, and I have not, like set aside time to do anything fun for myself.

Speaker 1:

So, as an experiment, you could try just like seeing what's happening in your life and instead of saying, oh, that person is doing that to me, just look at how they're being to you. Are they being critical? Where are you being critical to yourself? Do you feel like they abandoned you or ignored you? Where are you doing that to yourself? Because it is a scientific law and there's somewhere in your life where you're doing that to yourself Because, look, I spent a lot of time in victimhood blaming other people. I go on Facebook and I see a lot of people saying I can't believe that person did that to me, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not at a place right now where I'm going to reach out and be like, hey, did you know? That's a reflection. Like they would probably not be ready to hear that. Right, if it's their time to hear it, they'll hear it, but it's not helpful. And if you're listening to my podcast, then you are definitely someone who is wanting to expand your consciousness as well, right, and you're probably experiencing obstacles, which probably means you are an older soul, because, as Alessandra will explain, in the world there's only about 14% of the world that are older souls, and so us older souls are here to actually lead and to teach and to program the world, not be programmed, right? And what's so funny is I had this whole idea of a program I'm going to be doing, having something to do with program, and then I heard Alessandra on the podcast today say basically the same thing. You can think of this as like a game Us older souls are the programmers of the game, right?

Speaker 1:

So if you look at someone else and I did this last night I was kind of scrolling on social media and I saw this girl I used to know and she's very happy. She seems very happy in her corporate job. She's like it just looks like she has such a great life and I know a lot of social media is just the highlights, right? If you look at someone who seems like they're just having so much success, life is easy. They're probably not an older soul. They are probably still a younger soul, because as older souls, we do experience a lot of obstacles and failures, but we have to experience those in order to be the best teacher. Because, you know what? I have so many failed relationships, but now at some point I'll create a program on, you know, relationships. I have had a lot of failures and obstacles, but they don't mean anything to me. I'm neutral about them because I know that they're learning opportunities.

Speaker 1:

And so what I noticed in my own life is when I first started this spiritual journey, I first was, I gravitated toward Gabby Bernstein like a red spirit junkie and that really resonated with me and that's how most people will find like something or someone that really resonates with them. And then they get pulled into this world of spiritual, you know, knowledge and expansion and then they kind of outgrow the people that they started with right. I love Gabby, but I can tell she doesn't have all of the knowledge in the universe and based on some of her beliefs and posts, I can tell she doesn't really understand what's happening in the world. And while I loved her she was such a great entry into the spiritual world she isn't someone I would like go to for advice anymore. Nothing against her, just, you know we go through these levels.

Speaker 1:

I've been through a lot of different spiritual teachers, a lot of different books, and I will tell you you aren't going to find the spiritual knowledge you're looking for in a book. You might find 10% here or 25% here, but the really, really high level spiritual information is not going to come from a book. And this is coming from someone who has a book addiction. I had to stop myself from buying books because I'm just like, oh, that book, that book, I am just a seeker. Right, I am a seeker of knowledge and I take in what's useful and then I get rid of what isn't. But then I'm also actively practicing and learning intuition and energetics and nervous system regulation and unconscious reprogramming, energetics and nervous system regulation and unconscious reprogramming. But I'm not going to just follow in someone else's path or footsteps, because I am here as an older soul to create a new paradigm, to create a new program for the world and if you're listening, you are probably an older soul as well.

Speaker 1:

What I find really interesting also is this notion of obstacles being course corrections, because we are here with a soul path, a plan that our higher self put in place before we even incarnated into this lifetime. Now, looking back, I understand this and now I'll be more aware. I'm sharing with you to help you, so that maybe you can be aware of this now and again. This comes from Alessandro. I always like to give credit. Where I learn things and this was really like eye-opening for me is when we're on a soul path. If we start to go off course, we will have little obstacles, right. Like, just think about yourself going down a hallway and your eyes are closed. If you hit the wall, you know, oh okay, I need to get into the center again and keep going forward, right, and that's just like a little course correction. But let's say you're running down the hall and then you run straight into a wall. That's going to hurt, that's going to be a bigger course correction, right? And so now, looking back, I can see.

Speaker 1:

For example, the night before my wedding, I started vomiting out of nowhere, like I never vomit. That was actually the last time I vomited. That was in 2020. So it happened out of nowhere and there was a lot of other things happening in my life at that time, but I actually had to spend my whole rehearsal dinner in my hotel room vomiting, so I didn't make it to my rehearsal dinner. That was a huge course correction, Like my higher self was telling me. Like look, you already have a kid with this guy, you don't need to marry him. Like, having a kid with him, yes, in my sole contract, marrying him not. And so if I had known this information at that time and I knew, though I knew intuitively something was happening I ignored it Because at that time, I wasn't trained enough in intuition to be like, okay, I'm going to call this wedding off, like at the last minute, right?

Speaker 1:

So I went ahead with it. But there were signs leading up to it, smaller signs, where, if I had paid attention to those smaller signs, I could have said, yeah, this just isn't necessary, right? But I didn't. And I had a huge course correction by everything that came after that, like trying to get the divorce, and checking the wrong box and having the paperwork come back and just like all of that. So now I'll know to pay attention to these little course corrections, little obstacles, little signs, so that I don't have to deal with a huge obstacle, right.

Speaker 1:

And this completely changed my outlook on obstacles and failure, because I no longer associate those with negative things. They're actually great learning tools, great course corrections, and for me to be the absolute best intuitive and teacher, I needed to experience failure in a lot of these areas of life. Because if I didn't just imagine, if I was trying to help the women in my program my clean baby daddy energy program and I had never experienced domestic violence and I had never experienced going through, you know, horrific custody battles and I had never experienced pain and heartbreak, right, the program just wouldn't be as meaningful. So I experienced all of that so that I could help these women right. So that I could be the best teacher. Because not only did I have one baby daddy, I had three, right.

Speaker 1:

And so I used to be really embarrassed about that, like I would be so embarrassed and people would assume it was all the same father and I just wouldn't say anything. And now it's like I don't care, like I do not care at all. It was part of my soul path and each of these fathers I'm actually very grateful for because they each taught me different lessons, and one of them I'm really good friends with and he, every time we meet to exchange our child, he'll show up with food for me and my other child and like I think that's great, and I have very different relationships with all three of them. So I can speak on this subject like nobody else, because I have had all of these experiences right and that makes me a very unique teacher. And you had the same thing.

Speaker 1:

There's something in your life that you have gone through, that you've overcome, that you might still feel embarrassed about, but it's actually your greatest gift and it's going to be something that you're going to share with the world and you're going to be able to help people, and so, if anything, I just want you to walk away from this episode knowing that if you are experiencing obstacles at this time or failure, those aren't negative things. Those are actually teaching moments and moments for you to reflect on. You know how you might be being to yourself, and so the more people that we can get out of victimhood and onto the other end of that, which is like radical responsibility, the higher frequency our world will become, and some of the biggest train wrecks addicts. They're actually really high frequency beings, which was really crazy for me to wrap my head around. But when someone is an addict, it's often a sign that they are very intuitive and they're getting so much information they don't know how to deal with it. And they don't know how to deal with it and they don't know how to deal with their emotions and all of that, and so they turn to alcohol or drugs or people or whatever Right.

Speaker 1:

And so, knowing that I've had more compassion and understanding for people in my life who have addiction problems Right, have addiction problems right. And so the goal for me is not to be high vibe all the time, to have a perfect life all the time, right. So I just wanted to share that. As I reflected on the last couple of weeks just things going on I feel like I learn something new every week and I just love sharing it because it's always been helpful for me, ever since I was a dancer cheerleader. Like when I learn something, if I then teach it, it like solidifies in my brain and it will stick.

Speaker 1:

And so if you liked this episode, please let me know and I will do more like this where I'm just kind of sharing what I've learned, what I'm going through, and you know it can be hard when it've learned what I'm going through, and you know it can be hard when it's your child and they're going through something. But it's helpful for me to remember like they came in with their own soul contracts. Who am I to get in the way of that? Who am I who, like my human self, I'm not gonna let my human self get in the way of that. I mean, just looking at my oldest daughter, she has had so many obstacles. I mean, just looking at my oldest daughter, she has had so many obstacles and I know she's more higher frequency than I am. She is like a super old soul and you know she has program.

Speaker 1:

And then I was in the adult program and that's where I first learned how to read people's energy, how to tap in, how to be intuitive. It was a great school. I just moved and I couldn't continue and she was really into it at that time. And then, when she turned 13, she just decided to shut her gifts off and she had amazing well, she still has them, but she's shut them off amazing gifts and I know she'll turn them on at some point. She'll turn them back on, but I know she has her own soul path and I'm not going to get in the way. I'm here as her mother and I'm here as her biggest supporter and I'm not going to stand in her way. I'm not going to try to control her entire life out of fear, because that doesn't serve her, that doesn't serve me.

Speaker 1:

Fear, anger, all of those emotions block our intuition and they are very much a programmed. They are programmed emotions that keep us small, that keep us scarce, that keep us limited. So when I start to feel anger or fear and if you need help with this, join my membership we actually have a live call this morning, so actually you probably won't be able to hear this in time, but in that program I'm literally programming out the anger and the fear. Right, because those low conscious, low vibrational emotions, they're great tools to like. Have us notice, I'm experiencing anger right now. We don't want to ignore it, we want to process it, we want to get it out. I like to vent into a voice note or just in my car just like out loud. There's several ways to get it cleared. But holding on to anger, holding on to fear, letting that operate your life, it's going to keep you from what you are here to do, or it will extend the time or it will make it a lot more challenging.

Speaker 1:

So this episode wasn't scripted.

Speaker 1:

So I know I was kind of all over the place, but I just kind of wanted to come on here and just share my recent experiences with you guys and hopefully you'll walk away with the ideas that just because you feel like you've failed in certain areas, you actually haven't.

Speaker 1:

It's actually opportunity for soul expansion, soul growth, and the obstacles can just be course corrections. They don't have to be huge, major obstacles. If we start paying attention to the little course corrections and then you know truly getting a handle over our emotions, that will serve you in so many ways, not just with your intuition but with your ability for your body to heal, because when we're in anger or fear, that activates our fight or flight and then that shuts off our repair and regenerate and so. So again, if you need help with that, all of my programs focus on nervous system regulation and then energetics as well. So I'm sending you all love. I know we are here during a very tumultuous time on earth in this life, but it doesn't have to be scary. You have more control than you actually know, so have a great week.